GSRT - Gray Silent Reading Tests

A generic image

J. Lee Wiederholt, EdD, Ginger Blalock, PhD

May be administered individually or in groups.

Purpose: Assess silent reading comprehension in ages
Age: 7 through to 25yrs
Admin: Individual
Time: 15-30 minutes     

Qualification Level: 

Related Products:
Gray Oral Reading Tests, 4th Ed.

The GSRT was developed to be used independently or as an adjunct to the Gray Oral Reading Test-4th Ed. (GORT 4). The GSRT helps you quickly and efficiently measure an individual's silent reading comprehension ability. GSRT results may be used to identify individuals whose scores are significantly below those of their peers and who might need additional assessment and intervention designed to improve reading comprehension; to determine areas of relative strength and weakness across reading comprehension; to document overall progress in reading development as a consequence of intervention programmes; and to serve as a measure for research efforts designed to investigate reading comprehension.


The GSRT consists of two parallel forms each containing 13 developmentally sequenced reading passages with five multiple-choice questions. Each form yields raw scores, grade equivalents, age equivalents, percentiles, and a Silent Reading Quotient.

    * Appropriate for individuals ages 7-25 years; may be administered individually or in groups.
    * Normed on 1,400 individuals
    * Highly reliable and valid.
    * Cultural, ethnic, and gender bias have been eliminated.
    * Useful in a variety of settings, including elementary and secondary schools, clinics, reading centres, and post-secondary environments.


(image for) GSRT Profile/Response Forms

GSRT Profile/Response Forms

GSRT Profile/Response Forms (package of 25) Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) GSRT Reading Books, Form A

GSRT Reading Books, Form A

GSRT Reading Books, Form A (package of 10) Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) GSRT Reading Books, Form B

GSRT Reading Books, Form B

GSRT Reading Books, Form B (package of 10) Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) GSRT Manual

GSRT Manual

GSRT Manual. Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) GSRT Kit


GSRT Kit - includes GSRT Manual, 25 Profile/Response Forms, and 10 each of Reading Book Forms A and B. Qualification Level:  B 
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