AAB -Academic Achievement Battery Comprehensive Form

A generic image

Purpose:   Assess seven areas of achievement throughout the life span
Age range:  4 to 85 years
Admin:  Individual
Admin time:   Comprehensive Form: 90 minutes to administer; 15 minutes to score. Screening Form: 30-45 minutes to administer; 5-10 minutes to score

Qualification Level: 

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The AAB is a complete achievement assessment, offering both a comprehensive battery as well as a screening version for use with individuals throughout the lifespan.

We've a video discussion with our senior clinical consultant about this new battery, which answers many frequently asked questions and also highlights the advantages of using this battery of tests.

Features and benefits

  • Developed using academic standards set by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Council of Teachers of English, Common Core, and Reading First.
  • Administration and scoring are straightforward and easy—and both comprehensive and screening versions have a Fast Guide to help you get started.
  • Unlike similar measures, the AAB requires no certification or intensive preparation—simply open your AAB kit and review the materials, and you will be ready to begin assessment.
  • Provides age- and grade-based (fall and spring) norms.
  • Scoring is available through PARiConnect; stimuli are available digitally.

Comprehensive Form

  • Can be administered in about 90 minutes and scored in 15 minutes.
  • The Academic Achievement Battery Composite, a total score, provides an overview of the individual’s overall performance on the various aspects of achievement measured by the AAB.
  • A skills analysis enables you to investigate the individual’s strengths and weaknesses and offers a wealth of data with which to make interpretations and recommendations.
  • Provides composite-to-composite and subtest-to-subtest discrepancy scores and reliable change scores.

Technical information

  • Reliability coefficients for the subtests range from .77 to .97 and from .88 to .98 for the composite scores across the age- and grade-based normative samples.
  • AAB subtest and composite scores were found to be highly correlated with similar constructs on the WJ® III, KTEA™ -II, WRAT4, and WIAT® -III.
  • The manual includes evidence supporting the ability of the AAB to differentiate performance in individuals with various learning disabilities, intellectual disorder, ADHD, and speech/language impairment.
  • Includes reliable change scores and ability–achievement discrepencies with the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales™, Second Edition (RIAS™2). A combination kit is also available!
Composite Score Subtest Age Level How does it work?
Basic Reading Reading Foundation Skills Ages 3/4 to 8 years Requires the examinee to demonstrate phonological awareness through tasks focused on rhyming, sound matching, blending, segmenting, deleting and substitution.
Letter / Word Reading Letter Reading: Ages 3/4 to 8 years
Word Reading: 4 to 85 years
Letter Reading requires the examinee to identify lowercase and uppercase letters. Word Reading requires the examinee to pronounce words of increasing difficulty.
Reading Fluency Ages 4 to 85 years Requires the examinee to demonstrate oral reading fluency during a timed reading task.
Reading Comprehension Words and Sentences

Words: Ages 3/4 to 8 years

Sentences: Ages 4 to 85 years

Requires the examinee to point to the written word or sentence that matches a visual stimulus.
Passages 5 years and older Requires the examinee to read passages of increasing difficulty.
Listening Comprehension Words and Sentences Ages 4 to 85 years Requires the examinee to select the visual stimulus that matches a spoken word or sentence.
Passages Ages 4 to 85 years Requires the examinee to respond orally to literal and inferential questions after hearing a passage read aloud.
Expressive Communication Oral Fluency Ages 4 to 85 years Requires the examinee to list as many items as possible in 60 seconds when provided a category.
Oral Expression Ages 4 to 85 years Requires the examinee to demonstrate his or her grasp of pragmatics, grammar and expressive vocabulary.
Oral Production Ages 4 to 85 years Requires the examinee to describe an illustrated scene; measures speech output and fluency.
Written Expression Pre-Writing Skills Ages 3/4 to 8 years Requires the examinee to trace lines and figures of increasing difficulty.

Letter Writing: Ages 3/4 to 8 years

Word Writing: Ages 4 to 85 years

Letter Writing requires the examinee to write lowercase and uppercase letters. Words Writing requires the examinee to correctly spell words of increasing difficulty.
Written Composition 8 years and older
Requires the examinee to spontaneously write; evaluates theme, organisation, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, presentation and conventions.
Mathematical Calculation Mathematical Calculation

Part 1: Ages 3/4 to 8 years

Part 2: Ages 4 to 85 years

Part 1 requires the examinee to provide oral and written responses to maths problems. Part 2 requires the examinee to complete increasingly difficult maths calculations in a timed task.
Mathematical Reasoning Mathematical Reasoning Ages 4 to 85 years Requires the examinee to apply mathematical reasoning to real-life problems through oral response.

Shaded subtests are included in the AAB screening form and make up the AAB Screening Composite

(image for) AAB Comprehensive Form Print Kit

AAB Comprehensive Form Print Kit

AAB Comprehensive Form Print Kit includes AAB Comprehensive Form Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 Comprehensive Form Item Booklets, 25...
(image for) AAB Comprehensive Form Professional Manual

AAB Comprehensive Form Professional Manual

AAB Comprehensive Form Professional Manual. Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) AAB Comprehensive Form Response Booklets

AAB Comprehensive Form Response Booklets

AAB Comprehensive Form Response Booklets (pack of 25) Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) AAB Comprehensive Form Item Booklets

AAB Comprehensive Form Item Booklets

AAB Comprehensive Form Item Booklets (Pack of 25) Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) AAB Comprehensive Stimulus Book 1

AAB Comprehensive Stimulus Book 1

AAB Comprehensive Stimulus Book 1
(image for) AAB Comprehensive Stimulus Book 2

AAB Comprehensive Stimulus Book 2

AAB Comprehensive Stimulus Book 2
(image for) AAB Stimulus Card

AAB Stimulus Card

AAB Comprehensive Stimulus Card

Featured Products - AAB -Academic Achievement Battery Comprehensive Form

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