WRAML2 - Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Second Edition

A generic image

David Sheslow, PhD, Wayne Adams, PhD, ABPP

Qualification Level: 


Purpose: Assess an individual's memory functioning and new learning
Age Range: 5 through to 90 yrs
Admin: Individual    
Time: 1 hour  aprox    

The WRAML2 is a carefully standardised psychometric instrument which allows the user to evaluate an individual's memory functioning. The WRAML2 affords evaluation of both immediate and delayed memory ability, as well as the acquisition of new learning.

The new WRAML2 is normed for children, adolescents, and adults, ages 5-90 years. The normative sample was constructed using a national stratified sampling technique, controlling for age, sex, race, region, and education.

As with the original Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAMLTM), the WRAML2 includes standard scores, scaled scores, and percentiles. Age equivalents are provided for the child and pre-adolescent age groups. Only one subtest (Visual Learning ) was eliminated in the revision.

The WRAML2 Core Battery is composed of two Verbal, two Visual, and two Attention/Concentration subtests, yielding a Verbal Memory Index, a Visual Memory Index, and an Attention/Concentration Index. Together, these subtests yield a General Memory Index. A new Working Memory Index has been added, which is comprised of the Symbolic Working Memory and Verbal Working Memory subtests. Four new recognition subtests have been added: Design Recognition, Picture Recognition, Verbal Recognition, and Story Memory Recognition. The Story Memory subtest includes new stories, and the Picture Memory subtest provides new full-colour scenes. The designs on the Design Memory Cards have been changed, and an additional Design Card has been added.


The Core Battery takes less than an hour to administer. A Screening Battery, consisting of four subtests from the Core Battery, provides an overview of memory functioning. Several subtests are incl uded to supplement the Core Battery, allowing the examiner to add additional subtests and indices to facilitate qualitative analyses when indicated.


Alpha reliabilities for the Core Battery Verbal Memory Index, Visual Memory Index, and Attention/Concentration Index are .92, .89, and .86, respectively. The alpha reliability for the General Index is .93.

(image for) WRAML2 Examiner's Forms

WRAML2 Examiner's Forms

WRAML2 Examiner's Forms (package of 25) Qualification Level:  A 
(image for) WRAML2 Picture Memory Response Forms

WRAML2 Picture Memory Response Forms

WRAML2 Picture Memory Response Forms (package of 25) Qualification Level:  A 
(image for) WRAML2 Picture Memory Recognition Forms

WRAML2 Picture Memory Recognition Forms

WRAML2 Picture Memory Recognition Forms (package of 25) Qualification Level:  A 
(image for) WRAML2 Design Memory Response Forms

WRAML2 Design Memory Response Forms

WRAML2 Design Memory Response Forms (packageof 25 ) Qualification Level:  A 
(image for) WRAML2 Design Memory Recognition Forms

WRAML2 Design Memory Recognition Forms

WRAML2 Design Memory Recognition Forms (package of 25) Qualification Level:  A 
(image for) WRAML2 Picture Memory Cards

WRAML2 Picture Memory Cards

WRAML 2 Picture Memory Cards(4)
(image for) WRAML2 Design Cards

WRAML2 Design Cards

WRAML2 Design Cards
(image for) WRAML2 Finger Window Card

WRAML2 Finger Window Card

WRAML2 Finger Window Card
(image for) WRAML2 Sound Symbol Booklet

WRAML2 Sound Symbol Booklet

WRAML2 Sound Symbol  Booklet
(image for) WRAML2 Working Memory Cards

WRAML2 Working Memory Cards

WRAML2 Working Memory Cards (set of 2)
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