Eleanor Semel, Elisabeth H Wiig, Wayne Secord
Qualification Level: B
Age Range: 5 years 0 months to 21 years 11 months
Administration: 30 to 45 minutes for the Core Language Score. Total assessment: variable.
The CELF-5UK is a comprehensive, UK normed battery of tests that offers a streamlined, flexible approach to language assessment. It provides speech and language professionals with highly accurate diagnostic information with current normative data, reflecting the UK's diverse population.
Features and benefits:
- New normative data based on the March 2011 UK Census
- Battery of fourteen stand-alone tests - number administered dependent on age
- Eleven of the fourteen tests are administered, depending on the student's age
- Index language scores: core, receptive, expressive, content, structure and memory
- Observation Rating Scale for evaluation of language in context
- Pragmatics Profile and Pragmatic Activities Checklist to assess social communication skills.