by Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD
Purpose: Screen for reasoning and problem solving skills.
Age: 10 to 75 years
Admin: Individual or group
Time: 16 minutes
Qualification Level: B
The TOGRA is a speeded measure of reasoning ability and problem-solving skills that is designed for individual or group administration.
- Offers a wider variety of item content and greater test score stability than competing measures.
- Yields a General Reasoning Index (GRI), a highly reliable score that reflects overall measurement of the general factor of reasoning and problem-solving skill.
- Consists of items that assess verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills through tasks that are inductive as well as deductive in nature.
- Requires only 16 minutes for administration and 2-3 minutes for scoring
- Appropriate in many settings whenever a speeded measure of reasoning ability and problem solving under pressure is considered useful, including in the evaluation of students for giftedness, athletes, managerial and executive-level staff, or public safety officer candidates.
- Two equivalent alternate forms (Blue and Green) enable you to retest and monitor progress while reducing practice effects
- Can be administered to groups or individuals and using a computer or traditional paper and pencil. This flexibility makes the TOGRA a viable option for use in human resource and related
- As a result of extensive expert review and statistical analysis, the TOGRA’s racial, gender, and religious bias is minimal–ideal for any measure used for selection purposes.
- Standardised on a 2010-Census-matched sample of 3,013 individuals.
- The GRI is scaled to a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Other forms of derived scores, including z scores, normal curve equivalents, stanines, percentiles, and, for the younger ages, age equivalents, are provided.
- An investigation of TOGRA scores’ relationship to examinees' occupational data revealed expected patterns, with median GRI scores increasing as examinees’ industries moved from physically-oriented occupations to business- and science-oriented occupations. Occupational data were derived using Occupational Information Network (O*NET) information.