FAR - Feifer Assessment of Reading

A generic image

Qualification Level: 


Purpose:  Examine the underlying cognitive and linguistic processes that support proficient reading skills
Age range:  4 to 21 years
Admin:  Individual
Admin time:  35 minutes for 3-5 yr olds; 60 minutes for 5- 6 year olds ; 75 minutes for 7- 9 year olds; 15-20 minutes for Screening Form

The FAR is a comprehensive assessment of reading and related processes that will help you determine the examinee's specific subtype of reading impairment and inform decisions about appropriate interventions.

Features and benefits

  • Takes a neurodevelopmental approach to reading, which suggests that multiple neural pathways underscore various aspects of the reading process such as phonemic awareness, fluency, decoding, and comprehension. Based on the premise that treatments for reading disorders vary by dyslexic subtype, with four specific subtypes addressed: dysphonetic dyslexia, surface dyslexia, mixed dyslexia, and reading comprehension deficits.
  • Comprises 15 individual subtests measuring various aspects of vocabulary, phonological awareness, decoding skills, rapid automatic naming, orthographical processing, morphological processing, word memory, reading fluency (word and story; silent and oral), and comprehension skills.
  • A separate Screening Form permits you to screen for dyslexia and identify the needs of at-risk readers.
  • Enables you to conduct an item-level skills and error analysis of the examinee's scores on specific subtests and to take a more in-depth look at his or her reading-related behaviours.
  • Can be used for an array of purposes, including general screening of dyslexia, progress monitoring of discrete skills for school systems operating in an RTI paradigm, diagnosis of a learning disability as part of a comprehensive psychological evaluation, and design of a deficit- or skill-specific intervention.
  • Test structure
  • Five index scores are generated: the Phonological Index, the Fluency Index, the Comprehension Index, the Mixed Index (a composite of Phonological and Fluency index scores), and the FAR Total Index (a composite of all subtest scores).
  • Examinees aged 4 - 5 years take eight subtests, examinees aged 5 - 7 years take 11 subtests, and examinees in 8 - 18 years take 14 subtests.
  • You can choose to administer the full battery or, for a shorter administration time, only the subtests associated with an individual reading index or individual subtests.
  • Reliable change and discrepancy scores can be calculated.

Technical information

  •  Offers grade-based norms (with age proxies provided); age and grade equivalents for subtest scores; and confidence intervals, percentile ranks, z scores, and normal curve equivalents (NCEs) for index scores.
  • Subtest and index scores are scaled to the familiar IQ metric, wherein the mean is set to 100 and the standard deviation to 15.
  • Standardised on a sample of 1,074 examinees in ages 3 - 18 years drawn from more than 30 states using a population-proportionate, stratified random sampling plan based on 2012 U.S. Census statistics.

FAR Screening Form

Designed to identify children at risk for developmental dyslexia, the FAR Screening Form measures the underlying processes of reading.

  • Comprises three subtests: one from the Phonological Index (Phonemic Awareness), one from the Fluency Index (Rapid Automatic Naming), and one from the Comprehension Index (Semantic Concepts).
  • Yields a single composite score that indicates risk for dyslexia.
  • Allows you to decide whether the risk of dyslexia or reading disability is high enough to warrant further assessment.
  • Ideal for use within an RTI delivery system model.


(image for) FAR Comprehensive Kit

FAR Comprehensive Kit

FAR Comprehensive Kit includes FAR Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 10 Examiner Record Forms, 10 Examinee Response Forms, Stimulus Book 1,...
(image for) FAR Screening Form Kit

FAR Screening Form Kit

FAR Screening Form Kit includes FAR Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 Screening Form Examiner Record Forms, and Screening Form Stimulus Book ...
(image for) FAR Professional Manual and Fast Guide

FAR Professional Manual and Fast Guide

FAR Professional Manual includes Fast Guide. Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) FAR Examiner Record Forms (pkg/10)

FAR Examiner Record Forms (pkg/10)

FAR Examiner Record Forms (pkg/10) Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) FAR Examinee Response Forms (pkg/10)

FAR Examinee Response Forms (pkg/10)

FAR Examinee Response Forms (pkg/10)
(image for) FAR Stimulus Book 1

FAR Stimulus Book 1

FAR Stimulus Book 1
(image for) FAR Stimulus Book 2

FAR Stimulus Book 2

FAR Stimulus Book 2
(image for) FAR Stimulus Book 3

FAR Stimulus Book 3

FAR Stimulus Book 3
(image for) FAR Scoring Templates (set of 3)

FAR Scoring Templates (set of 3)

FAR Scoring Templates (set of 3) Qualification Level:  B 
(image for) FAR Storybook

FAR Storybook

FAR Storybook

Featured Products - FAR - Feifer Assessment of Reading

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