WRAT-4 - Wide Range Achievement Test 4

A generic image
by Author:  Gary S. Wilkinson PhD and Gary J Robertson PhD

Purpose: Provides measure of reading, reading comprehension, spelling and number skills in one comprehensive battery.
Age: 5 to 94 years
Admin: Individuals or Groups
Time: 15 to 45 minutes
Qualification Level: 
Previous versions of WRAT have enjoyed widespread use, measuring the basic academic skills of reading, spelling and mathematics that are necessary for effective learning, communication and thinking.

This latest edition (new in 2006) continues to measure these basic skills and preserves the features that made WRAT3 so popular - ease of administration and scoring.

The WRAT4 is intended for use by professionals who need a quick, simple and psychometrically sound measure of fundamental academic skills.

It can also be used to quickly assess large groups of individuals to identify those who need additional evaluation, to evaluate achievement/ability discrepancies, to identify specific learning difficulties, to re-evaluate an individual previously diagnosed with learning and/or cognitive disorders and to assess an individual's academic progress over time.

Some Features of WRAT 4

1/ WRAT4 contains an entirely new measure of reading achievement - Sentence Comprehension - added to enhance the scope of the content assessed and to meet the need for a measure of reading comprehension.

2/ WRAT4 interpretation has been enhanced by adding grade (Year)-based norms, thereby increasing the usefulness of the test. The age based norms have been extended beyond age 75 years to age 94 years in order to assess the basic literacy skills of older adults.

3/ Alternate forms (i.e. Blue Form, Green Form) were developed and equated during standardisation by use of a common-person research design. The alternate forms can be used interchangeably for retesting within short periods of time without the potential practice effects of repeating the same items. The alternate forms can be administered together (i.e. Combined Form) at a single examination setting.

4/ Derived scores have been developed for both age and grade reference groups. Standard scores, percentile ranks, stanines, CNEs, Year/Grade equivalents, and Rasch ability scale scores are provided for the two forms and for both forms combined.

5/ In addition to providing derived scores and interpretive information for the four sub-tests (Word Reading, Sentence Comprehension, Spelling, and Mathematics Computation), the WRAT4 yields a Reading Composite score obtained by combining the Word Reading and Sentence Comprehension standard scores. WRAT4 users will find the Reading Composite score a valuable addition that meets the need for a highly reliable, comprehensive measure of reading ability.

(image for) WRAT-4 Sentence Comprehension Cards

WRAT-4 Sentence Comprehension Cards

Sentence Comprehension Cards Set of 3
(image for) WRAT-4 Word Spelling List Cards

WRAT-4 Word Spelling List Cards

Word Spelling List Cards Set of 2
(image for) WRAT-4 Test Forms (25) and Response Forms (25) - Green

WRAT-4 Test Forms (25) and Response Forms (25) - Green

Pack includes 25 Response Forms and 25 Test Forms (the picture shown is of the green response forms) Qualification Level:  B 
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