Group Screening Tests

A generic image

by Phillips and Leonard

Qualification Level: 

Purpose: Identifies those who are at risk from specific learning difficulties - dyslexia.
Age: 4.5 years through to adult
Time: 20-25 minutes
Admin: Group or Individual

This series of screening tests was devised in response to a growing demand from both the independent and maintained sectors for a short, simple, group test which will identify those pupils who are at risk from specific learning difficulties - dyslexia.

Recent litigation has shown that independent schools and LEA’s have a duty of care to ensure that pupils’ educational needs are identified and met.

The authors do not claim that the tests will make a positive diagnosis but, properly administered and evaluated, will identify those at risk so that further investigation using an individual battery of teacher tests can be administered by the SENCO or the pupil referred for a full psychological assessment. The tests are timed at 20 minutes except Test Alpha which is untimed.

Test Alpha is used with the pre school and primary aged child so that early intervention can be put into effect.

Test Alpha Plus has been specifically designed for those pupils in the State system leaving the infants and progressing into year 3 of the junior school.

  • Test A is intended to identify pupils at entry to preparatory or junior schools 
  • Tests B and C for those pupils transferring to secondary education at 11 or 13 years. 
  • Test D is of particular value to Sixth Form Colleges as well as those involved in education in Young Offenders Institutions.

A scoring and evaluation service or second opinion scoring is available from the publishers for all of the tests.

Tests A, B, C & D contain eight sub tests; Test Alpha 12 sub tests each of which examine a different perceptual ability.

  • Easy to administer. Total administration time is only 20/25 minutes.
  • Large groups can be tested at the same time (except Alpha where 5 is the maximum).
  • Scoring and evaluation can be done by the School SENCO or by the specialist teacher.
A publisher’s scoring and evaluation service is available to undertake either the initial scoring or to provide a second opinion. Marking of a test booklet where only the back (scoring) page is requested for return costs £6.50. Marking of a test booklet where the whole booklet is requested for return costs £7.00. Results will be returned by post and email invariably within fourteen working days. Test booklets will be stored for six months and destroyed thereafter.  If you have any further queries, please contact:

When submitting screening tests for marking, please download and submit this service form - click here.

(image for) Group Screening Tests Form Alpha Pack of Ten Forms

Group Screening Tests Form Alpha Pack of Ten Forms

Test Alpha 4.5 - 7 year olds (by Hornsby, Phillips and Leonard) Test Alpha is used with the pre-school and primary aged child so that early...
(image for) Group Screening Tests Form Alpha Manual

Group Screening Tests Form Alpha Manual

Qualification Level:  C 
(image for) Group Screening Tests Form Alpha Plus Pack of Ten Forms

Group Screening Tests Form Alpha Plus Pack of Ten Forms

Test Alpha Plus aged 7-8 years Test Alpha Plus   has been specifically designed for those pupils in the State system leaving the infants...
(image for) Group Screening Tests Form Alpha Plus Manual

Group Screening Tests Form Alpha Plus Manual

Qualification Level:  C 
(image for) Group Screening Tests Form A Pack of Ten Forms

Group Screening Tests Form A Pack of Ten Forms

Test A age 8-9 years Test A is intended to identify pupils at entry to preparatory or junior schools.  8 - 9 year olds Qualification...
(image for) Group Screening Tests Form B Pack of Ten

Group Screening Tests Form B Pack of Ten

Tests B age 11-12 years  Tests B for those pupils transferring to secondary education at 11-12 years. Qualification Level:  ...
(image for) Group Screening Form C Pack of Ten

Group Screening Form C Pack of Ten

Tests C age 13 years Test C for those pupils transferring to secondary education at 13 years old.
(image for) Group Screening Form A, B and C Manual

Group Screening Form A, B and C Manual

Form A, B and C Manual Qualification Level:  C 
(image for) Group Screening Form D (16-19 YRS)Pack of Ten Forms

Group Screening Form D (16-19 YRS)Pack of Ten Forms

Test D- Post 16 year olds Test D is of particular value to Sixth Form Colleges as well as those involved in education in Young Offenders...
(image for) Group Screening Form D Manual

Group Screening Form D Manual

Qualification Level:  C 
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