Purpose: Help design IEP’s and Student Support Plans. Help identify and diagnose learning & developmental difficulties. Use scores to allocate support resources. Develop profiles of strengths and weakness. Predict achievement scores and academic performance.
Age: 2 to 90 years
Admin: Individual
Time: 5-10 minutes per test
Qualification Level: A (Also available to B where a valid Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) is held)
The Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities are a comprehensive battery of standardised assessments designed to evaluate a wide range of cognitive abilities in individuals of all ages (2-90 years). The tests measure verbal and nonverbal abilities, including memory, reasoning, phonological awareness and problem-solving skills. They are often used to assess cognitive strengths and weaknesses, identify learning disabilities, and monitor progress in educational or therapeutic settings. They are considered reliable and valid measures of cognitive abilities and are widely used in both academic and clinical settings.
Examiners will enjoy administrative flexibility and interpretive clarity with the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities alone; however, combining administrations of the co-normed WJ IV Tests of Achievement and Tests of Oral Language will increase diagnostic capability and sensitivity.
With 18 different tests available, it contains the most extraordinary breadth of cognitive abilities of any standardised assessment suite. As a result, it will suit the needs of any healthcare professional working within the domain of psychology or a related profession.
The WJIV Test of Cognitive Abilities has unrivalled power yielding crucial diagnostic information and profiles of strengths and weaknesses, and is very useful in identifying exceptionalities and disabilities (dyslexia, dyscalculia, general learning disabilities etc.) and can be directly linked to interventions or accommodations. The WJIV Cog contains tests relating to the following cognitive domains: Non Verbal Abilities; Verbal Abilities; Working Memory; Processing Speed; Phonological Processing; Visual Processing, and Long Term Memory.
Scoring and Reporting
All Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests are paper-based assessments with digital scoring and reporting tools available on the Riverside Score platform. Riverside Score is a secure, web-based platform where examiners can quickly enter raw scores, assessment data and test observations. In addition, various reports suitable for parents, teachers and other professionals can be generated instantly on the platform.
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Note: to enable delivery of online scoring your name and email address will be released to the digital platform provider in line with our Privacy Policy. Additionally, you will need to accept the riversidescore.com terms and conditions when accessing the site and will be required to complete data protection documentation. See here for more details.