RCDS-2 Reynolds Child Depression Scale - 2nd Edition

A generic image

Purpose:  Measure depressive symptoms in children
Age range:  7 to 13 years
Admin:  Individual or group
Admin time:  RCDS-2: 10-15 minutes; RCDS-2:SF: 2-3 minutes
Scoring time:  10 minutes

Qualification Level: 

Designed to screen for depression in children, the RCDS-2™ retains the 30 items used in the original measure but presents updated normative data. Children are asked to answer questions about how they have been feeling during the past 2 weeks. All items are worded in the present tense to elicit current symptoms status.

Updated normative metrics and an expanded age range improve utility

  • Now appropriate for children ages 7-13 years.
  • No scoring key is needed—the RCDS-2™ form is presented in a convenient carbonless form. All   scoring and administration information is presented in the brightly colored Test Booklet.
  • A new standardization sample of students drawn from 11 states is stratified to closely match U.S. Census data for gender and ethnic background. T scores and percentile ranges are provided for the total standardization sample, by gender, by grade, and by gender for each grade.
  • Maps onto the symptoms of depressive disorders outlined in the DSM-IV™.
  • Critical items are clearly marked on the scoring sheet, alerting you that your client may need immediate attention.
  • All items are presented in a 4- or 5-point rating scale format, making them easy for children to answer.
  • A clinical cutoff score helps you to determine whether a child should be referred for further assistance.

Short form is ideal when time is limited or for group screening

  • The RCDS-2:SF includes 11 of the 30 RCDS-2 items but features many of the critical items from the full version.       
  • The short form can be administered in just 2 to 3 minutes and can help you determine whether your client should be administered the full RCDS-2™.
(image for) RCDS-2 Introductory Kit

RCDS-2 Introductory Kit

RCDS-2 Introductory Kit includes RCDS-2 Professional Manual, 25 RCDS-2 Test Booklets, and 25 RCDS-2:SF Test Forms Qualification Level:  ...
(image for) RADS-2/RCDS-2 Combination Kit

RADS-2/RCDS-2 Combination Kit

RADS-2/RCDS-2 Combination Kit includes RADS-2 Introductory Kit and RCDS-2 Introductory Kit Qualification Level:  C 
(image for) RCDS-2 Professional Manual

RCDS-2 Professional Manual

RCDS-2 Professional Manual Qualification Level:  C 
(image for) RCDS-2 Test Booklets (pkg/25)

RCDS-2 Test Booklets (pkg/25)

RCDS-2 Test Booklets (pkg/25) Qualification Level:  C 
(image for) RCDS-2:SF Test Forms (pad/25)

RCDS-2:SF Test Forms (pad/25)

RCDS-2:SF Test Forms (pad/25) Qualification Level:  C 
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