Qualification Policy


In accordance with the standards and professional testing practices set out by The British Psychological Society and equivalent professional bodies, your eligibility to purchase assessment products supplied is based on your education, training and experience.

We assign letter codes to the 4 qualification levels associated with the assessment products it provides. Each level, A, B, C and U reflects the degree of training and/or experience required for access, with A denoting the highest qualification level. Where applicable, a qualification code can be found on each product page. Full details of all 4 qualification levels follow below.

To ensure that only persons suitably qualified to administer, score and interpret a clinical/educational test gain access to it you are asked to provide details of your professional status during registration and you may, in addition, be requested to provide more detail by way of a qualification form which will be sent to you.

You will have a QF code confirmed by email and can thereafter either proceed with any order you wish to place or have confirmed the status of any orders already placed.

Qualification Levels

All of our assessment materials are marked with a Qualification Level letter code. These qualification levels are as follows:

Qualification Level  
Assessment materials assigned an A qualification code require a high level of training and expertise in test administration, scoring and interpretation and, as such, may be purchased by the following individuals:

  • Those with a doctorate degree in Psychology, Education or a closely related field, with formal training in the ethical administration, scoring and interpretation of clinical/educational assessments.
  • Those certified by or holding full active membership of a professional organisation recognised that requires training and experience in the relevant area of assessment (eg: HCPC, BPS, ACP, AEP, BNS)

Customers with an A qualification code may purchase any product.

Qualification Level  
Assessment materials assigned a B qualification code may be purchased by the following individuals:

  • Those with a Master’s degree or equivalent in Psychology, Education, SEND, Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Counselling, Healthcare, Social Work or a field closely related to he intended use of the assessment AND formal training in the ethical and competent administration, scoring and interpretation of clinical/educational assessments.
  • Those certified by or holding full active membership of a professional organisation recognised that requires training and experience in the relevant area of assessment (eg: RCOT, RCSLT, RCN, BMA, BDA, SASC).
  • Those who work for an accredited institution/organisation.

Those customers with a B qualification code may also purchase products with qualification codes C and U.

Qualification Level  
These products in general are those which do not require an individual to have advanced training in assessment and interpretation.

  • Qualified teachers and allied professionals may be given this code.

Those customers with a C qualification code may also purchase products with qualification code U.

Qualification Level  
Products assigned this code require no qualifications so as to purchase. Resources (eg; Reference books) for those without any clinical or educational background may be assigned this qualification code. Purchase of products with this ‘Universal’ code does not require customers to complete a qualification form.


You may update your qualifications at any time by submitting an updated qualification form.

Please note: We assign customers a qualification code and thereafter, supplies any products requested, on the basis that the information provided by way of the qualification form submitted, is accurate and true. We will not be held liable for the consequences of incorrect or inappropriate use of any of its materials by unsuitably qualified users. In the event that additional evidence of qualifications is considered necessary prior to customer registration, we reserve the right to withhold any product orders until such information has been received. Equally, where there is evidence of violation of ethical assessment practice or conditions of sale, we reserve the right to withdraw approval for product purchase.

Purchasing on Behalf of a Qualified User
In the event that you are a representative of an institution or organisation wishing to purchase test materials on their behalf but without the qualification(s) to do so (eg administrative assistant or purchasing officer in a school, Local Education Authority, hospital), we ask that a/the qualified user within your setting who will, in reality, administer, score and interpret the test, completes a qualification form which, if submitted with the contact name and relevant details of your institution, will be linked to your particular setting. This way the ordering process can occur without delay, however, should at any time a query arise, please contact us by email or telephone on 01668 214460.


If you are in any doubt about whether you qualify for a particular product, please contact our professional consultants - using this form.






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