K-SLP Kaufman Treatment Kit 2 - Advanced Level

  • Model: KS1003
  • Shipping Weight: 2 kg
  • Published by: Northern Speech Services

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Kit 2 refines articulation and builds higher speech motor coordination skills. Ages 4 to 10 years.

Qualification Level: 

Kaufman Kit 2 uses familiar two and three-syllable words to target more complicated speech motor movements and synthesis into initial and final word positions. The 285 visual referent cards target sounds /f, g, k, l, s, sh/. Also included are blends of /s, r, l/ and pivot syllables of low, ber, ter, and ing.

As with Kaufman Kit 1, the treatment methods employ a systematic and progressive approach of simplifying word pronunciation patterns to shape and expand verbal expression to make communication easier for children with CAS and other speech sound disorders.

How It Works:

Hierarchy of successive "word shell" approximations.This highly effective approach builds intelligibility through a hierarchy of successive "word shell" approximations. Stimulus cards feature bright, color illustrations on the front. The reverse side breaks down the target word into a series of approximations based on the least physiological effort of that target word.

The clinician is able to introduce more complex phoneme patterns as the child's ability improves, thus maintaining the child's ability to speak at his or her maximum level. These "word shells" provide a verbal avenue by which children communicate at their own skill level and with success!

Kaufman Kit 2 Therapy Targets:

  • CbVCf – One and two-syllable back-velar to tip-alveolar
  • CfVCb – One and two-syllable tip-alveolar to back-velar
  • "low" pivot syllable
  • pivot syllable
  • pivot syllable
  • "ing" pivot syllable
  • Familiar complex bisyllabics
  • Familiar complex polysyllabics
  • Synthesis of /f, g, k, l, s, sh/ and blends /s, r, l/
  • Synthesis into initial and final word positions

Kaufman Kit 2 Program Highlights:

  • Includes 285 durable and engaging picture cards (5"x7").
  • Targets the sounds /f, g, k, l, s, sh/ and blends /s, r, l/.
  • Features the pivot syllables: low, ber, ter and ing.
  • Target word cards can be combined to develop sentences for more clarity practice.
  • Includes a comprehensive Manual (52 pages) overviewing the Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (K-SLP) approach and how these methods can help children progress quickly from a simple core vocabulary toward becoming effective, functional, intelligible communicators.

What's in the Manual?

The ManualThe comprehensive 52-page manual discusses implementation of this approach.

  •     K-SLP Six Steps
  •     Evaluation hierarchy
  •     Treatment hierarchy
  •     Phonemic simplification
  •     Cueing techniques
  •     IEP goal-writing examples
  •     Using phonological processes to establish a core vocabulary
  •     Kaufman techniques for children with autism
  •     Note to parents
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