by Samuel Kirk PhD, Winifred D. Kirk MA, Esther H. Minskoff PhD
Qualification Level: B
- a thoroughly revised programme for students who have failed to learn phonics
- each lesson is on a single page and requires just 10 to 15 minutes
- useful for elementary, ESL, and adult literacy classes
- reproducible
This classic step-by-step phonics programme has been newly revised by Nancy Mather and Rhia Roberts. Originally developed by three esteemed pioneers in special education, the programme has been used widely to teach reading to students who have failed to learn by other methods.
This reproducible programme, based on current research and extensive experience, differs from other approaches in the consistency with which sound-symbol relationships are presented and reinforced. Each lesson requires just 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and the programme can be used with students from the early grades through adulthood. The progression from simple to more complex phonic elements as well as the use of a multisensory approach increase the likelihood of success for improving reading and spelling abilities. Best of all, teachers can begin to use the programme with their struggling readers after just a brief review of the instructional procedures.
Feel free to print out and use the first three lessons, by clicking the image below. Instructions are included. Requires Adobe Reader.