By Jerome M Sattler, Robert D Hoge
Like former editions, the fifth edition of Assessment of Children: Behavioral, Social, and Clinical Foundations is designed not only as a teaching text but also as a reference book for students and professionals. This is a major revision. Every chapter has been rewritten to make the text more comprehensive, relevant, readable, up to date, and informative. The book contains new chapters on assessment theory, psychometrics, culturally and linguistically different children, and report writing. We have given expanded coverage to broad measures of behavioural, social, and emotional functioning and to parenting and family variables. In addition, we have included reviews of specific measures for assessing antisocial behaviour disorders, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, risk of suicide, and substance abuse disorders.
Assessment of Children: Behavioral, Social, and Clinical Foundations, Fifth Edition also contains several useful assessment aids and intervention guidelines:
- Background Questionnaire to obtain information from parents
- Personal Data Questionnaire to obtain information from adolescents
- School Referral Questionnaire to obtain information from teachers
- Semistructured interviews to obtain information from children with special needs, their parents, and their teachers
- Forms for conducting systematic behavioural observations
- Form for conducting self-monitoring assessments
- Forms for recording functional behavioural assessments
- Forms for the assessment of brain injury
- Forms for the assessment of risk factors and protective factors
- Forms for establishing a DSM-5 diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autistic disorder, and Asperger’s disorder
- Forms for the assessment of giftedness and creativityGuidelines for observing children in a classroom
- Guidelines for observing children who may have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or autistic disorder
- Informal measures of phonological ability
- IQ–achievement discrepancy scores necessary to establish a significant difference in cases of learning difficulty
- Detailed intervention guidelines for helping children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning difficulty, mental backwardness, autistic disorder, and brain injury